Saturday, May 31, 2014

Life Post Peace Corps

Let’s be honest. I will always love fresh pão (bread) and peanut butter, even when I’m on American soil…rather, American asphalt and hardwood floors. Dana, MFer, and Bevil encouraged me to keep up the blog, and hey – “the daily bucket bath” is still relevant to my life, except for the word “bucket”…and “bath”…and “daily”…just kidding. So I thought to myself, well, if no one ends up reading the blog, what the hell is wrong with you? I mean, I thought to myself, what the hell, I like writing and didn’t even realize that people were reading it when I was in Mozambique, but still dedicated most of my precious 150 minutes a week of internet to blogging. So I might as well keep on going.

Since my last post, I left Mozambique and went right to France (through Ethiopia) to visit Jorge with a total of two French words in my head. Unfortunately, he had classes during most of my visit, so I visited museums by myself, ate crepes by myself, journaled in hot chocolate shops by myself, sampled honey by myself, bought an awesome cow hat by myself, and went salsa dancing…with Jorge. Tricked ya.

"Ant Jazz" in the Miniature myself

Then I took the train to Switzerland to catch a plane to England to visit Bradley, who is ever as gentlemanly as the last time I saw him, puh-haps even more so.

Then I met my family and their 15 bags of luggage in Italy. An incredible and hilarious journey of fresh and not-so-fresh pão ensued. It merits no words, only the video below.

Video produced by Val while Steph looked on and made useless suggestions like “let’s invert the colors, speed it up 54x, and then zoom in on the butt. That would be funny.”