Saturday, July 6, 2013

Introducing Curious George to Nauela - Day 1

Dear Beloved Readers Who Seem Invisible Because You Don't Leave Comments But I Know You're There,

The Library Project is off the ground...literally! Thank you so much to everyone who donated - we didn't receive the funds until every last spoonful of cement was monetarily covered, so please know that every little bit helped. Today officially marks the first day of the first step of the first stage of the process. Students came to the school (on a Saturday) with empty sacks and buckets, walked to the river, filled their sacks and buckets with sand, then came back and deposited the sand at the school. Apparently the sand is necessary for construction...obviously I am not a construction worker. Good thing everyone builds their own houses here so they know what they're doing, or so they say. The pile started off small, and then grew and grew and grew...

A mountain of sand - What Would Curious George Do?


  1. He'd climb up to the top and scream with joy! Woo hoo! So exciting to see the beginning of the actual building... XO Motherp

  2. Hi Stephanie,

    I am one of your aforementioned cyber-stalkers - reading, but staying hidden. I am thrilled to see the project get underway. I've been harassing your mother for details, so now I can let up on her (on this topic, anyway). Congratulations on conceiving of and bringing to fruition this project.

