Friday, April 26, 2013

How the heck will I wash my neck if it ain't gonna rain no more?

Well, you pump water out of the ground, of course! Here's a step-by-step guide on how to get water from nature to kitchen in Nauela.

Step one: pump water into bucket.
Takes about 1 minute and 30 seconds per big bucket
Step 2: Take a capulana (colorful cloth) and roll it up into a snake
Step 3: wrap cloth around head and tie it, to
make a more comfortable surface for the bucket to sit on
Step 4: Bend knee, put bucket on knee, then lift it up to head.
In this picture, my 9th grader Genito looks on, saying
 in English, "Teacher, you have power!"
Optional: spill lots of water on clothes.
Step 5: Carry water back to house. Above is my
water carrying limit: 20 liters on my head, and
5 liters in my right hand.

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